I just read that Celine Dion’s husband died of cancer today, as well as Alan Rickman dying of cancer after David Bowie died of cancer two days ago, all within 3 days of each other.
I knew there would be a 3rd and was thinking about that this morning. I find that these events tend to happen in 3’s. And because I work with portals and walking between the veils, I am not surprised at the continued announcements of people transitioning at this time.
When the portals feel more open by someone dying, there is energetic room for others to follow.
This happens all the time. People just don’t tend to notice until it is someone famous and there are big announcements about it.
The portals are always open and flowing, like ripples of water constantly expanding and overlapping, circle of life.
Yet, when someone we know crosses the threshold into the energy of Oneness and goes beyond what most people can perceive with their senses, there is a greater sense and feeling of being able to cross over. It’s as if the Soul feel a sense of being given permission to leave, as the doorway feels more open and others cross over.
There are also waves of energy within these ripples that can feel bigger and smaller, wilder and more calm, depending on where you are in it. As a collective, we feel a big shift when 3 famous people die in succession, or 3 big events happen on the planet in close timing to one another.
These are just reminders of our connection and how deeply threaded our energies are with each other. We truly are One energy vibration, therefore, everything we do affects each other intimately, even if you do not realize it in a personal way at the time.
When you allow yourself to be open to these energetic shifts, vibrations and movement within the collective energetic field, you will no longer be dramatically thrown off your center when things shift in a big way. You will be grounded and prepared, in your own way, for the waves that are flowing, because you are present to the energy and feel it coming.
This is a practice that informs all of your life, not simply when human beings pass away. This awareness of the vibrational energy and the shifts that are being manifested can allow you to more easily manifest in your own life, and support you to more easily receive guidance and clarity on your journey.
The path of life and death (same/same) is always illuminated for us. It is simply a matter of turning on the light, by making a practice of being fully present, aware and receptive to the information. If you are afraid to see, then you will not see.
However, your resistance is much more frightening and confusing then truly allowing yourself to step into your full intuitive capabilities, present and conscious to the vibration you co-create with every being on this planet and in this universe.