Keywords: Love, Beauty, Desire, Passion, Boundaries, Faithfulness, Balance
When you connect with Rose it means:
This is a potent time to open your heart, be gentle with yourself and others, and allow yourself to fully receive love that is around you.
It is good to have healthy boundaries, but be careful to not be prickly with others.
You may be on a long and difficult part of the journey, but you are getting closer to the beautiful culmination of all you are going through.
Don’t let yourself get bogged down. Be sure to clear any heavy energies and create balance in all that supports your growth.
Rekindle the romance in your life, whether it’s your own self-love or the love of a partner.
Setting Intentions With Rose:
Bring your awareness to balancing your feminine and masculine aspects.
Focus on your heart. This is a good time for meditating on your heart and basking in the love you have to share with yourself and others.
Invoke the fragrance and beauty of life in order to fully appreciate all that is around you.
Make sure you get some sunshine, eat well and drink plenty of water.
Find a place where you can thrive as you grow and surround yourself with those who appreciate you while giving you the space you need.
If Rose is a Totem for you:
People are drawn to your beauty from within and without, as well as the lovely fragrance you energetically share everywhere you go.
You are deeply connected and living from your heart.
You tend to grow quickly once you feel prepared and settled.
You understand healthy boundaries and are not afraid to make it clear that you need those boundaries kept.
Though others might find you aloof, you are simply protecting yourself from those who don’t fully appreciate your sensitive nature and the aspects of you that are delicate.
You have gone through your fair share of thorny patches to arrive at the fragrant essence of your journey.
Once you are able to thrive, you will continue to share your gifts for as long as you are appreciated and tended.
From “Plant Spirit Totems” by Bloom Post, to be published Winter 2016 ~copyrighted, use only with permission by author