I work with clients and students from all over the world, sharing shamanic healing and tools to support you to personally link with your guides in the seen and unseen realms, create deep healing and transformational shifts in your life, and fully embody your mission on this planet.
I intentionally began my shamanic training in 1999. I am grateful to walk this path and share healing with thousands of people every year through individual shamanic healing sessions, group plant medicine ceremonies, and online offerings.
My studies are ongoing as I work and teach with a Maestro Medico Vegetalista in Peru and dive more deeply into plant medicine healing and the awakening of consciousness, working with the Master Trees of the Amazon, as well as Master Plant Teachers such as Ayahuasca, San Pedro and Mushrooms. I’m grateful to be in the lineage of Maestro Julio Llerena Pinedo.
Growing up, I would often receive intuitive and energetic information about the people around me, as well as having “supernatural” experiences in my teens and early 20’s that I could not explain.
I had always felt drawn to spirituality, mysticism, and ultimately shamanism. The first shaman I worked and trained with, an “Appalachian Seer” named John Crawford, taught me how to use my abilities to begin healing deep wounds from my very traumatic childhood. He supported me in recognizing that my abilities and sensitivities were not a curse, but powerful gifts that could be of support to others.
Seeking to understand my personal wounds and the wounds of the collective, I delved extensively into studies around a deeper connection with nature, spiritual philosophies, different religions, connecting with spirit guides and animal totems, stalking my power, shapeshifting, cloaking and invisibility, energetic and psychic protection, and more.
My love for healing and excavating our deepest shadow places continued to grow and expand over the decades as I sat in sacred circle with Native American elders, Peruvian Curanderos and Paqos, Maestro Ayahuasceros, Buddhist monks and nuns, and Hindu Swamis. My further studies have ranged from Reiki and meditation, to Ayurveda and herbalism.
I am a certified Reiki Master Teacher, a 200-hour certified yoga instructor, and a certified Breathwork Facilitator with 450 hours of training in this modality.
I love supporting others to embody the most expansive version of yourself, connecting with your Soul’s mission and living your purpose. This is my passion, helping you re-member who you truly are and living into your most expansive, whole, healed and joyful Self.
This is a powerful time on our beloved Mother Earth, and it is vital to live in sacred reciprocity with this planet and with each other, to create the life and world of our dreams. Now is the time to fully embody your gifts and I am here to be of service and support on your journey.