Full Wolf Moon in Leo
It is time to step fully into your personal Power without apologies. This is the time of the leader, the time of focus and goal-setting that will actually come to fruition as you honor and acknowledge your energies of light and shadow and integrate them all, with Love.All is energy, [...]
Portals and 3’s
I just read that Celine Dion's husband died of cancer today, as well as Alan Rickman dying of cancer after David Bowie died of cancer two days ago, all within 3 days of each other. I knew there would be a 3rd and was thinking about that this morning. I [...]
Heart Practice ~ Channeled Writing
Here is a practice that will support everyone. Sit quietly. Breathe into your belly and relax. Put your hand on your heart and repeat each phrase 3 times: "I love you. I trust you. I believe in you. I am you." Then breathe into your belly and sit quietly for [...]
An afternoon with crows
A beautiful day to spend time in the forest. Walking the trail and sitting in the sunshine with a baby tree just beginning its growth. The crows were very busy, talkative and present with me today. Grateful for their wisdom, their auspicious appearances during the afternoon, and the signs and [...]
Intention & Stillness in 2016
These are the cards I pulled on the evening of Dec. 31st, 2015, when I connected with the Angels in regards to my focus and energy for the coming year of 2016. My word for this Year is Stillness. And though I feel such a deep resonance with that word [...]
New Year Intentions
I asked advice on what to call in for the New Year . . . My dog said, “More play!” Kitty cat said, “Find a cozy spot.” The plants said, “More sunlight.” The trees said, “Root down, grow strong, stand tall, sway [...]
How To Love the Earth
Yesterday I walked in the woods on a trail that I used to walk every week, sometimes a few times a week. Wow, how I have missed that place. It was like reconnecting with my family and friends after almost 2 years away. Such a familiar place that is very [...]
Nature is the healer of all
Do not wait any longer. Get outside. Go find a beautiful (and hopefully quiet) place in nature where you can be refreshed, restored and renewed. This is so vital, for your heart, mind, body and soul. You will be so glad you did.
Dandelions In Winter
With Christmas weekend temps in the 70s, the plants and trees are feeling the call to bud and begin the process of what we recognize as Spring growth here in the Appalachian mountains. I had a moment of concern for the plants, that perhaps this winter warmth would confuse their [...]