
25 12, 2015

There Is No Spoon

Musings, Teachings|

Morpheus: Neo, sooner or later you're going to realize just as I did that there's a difference between knowing the path and walking the path.   When you are embodying the medicine, there is no more need   for the feeling of being called.  It simply is. We are not just [...]

22 12, 2015

Solstice Blessings aka Time to Dive Deep!

Musings, Teachings|

Ahhh, blessed winter Solstice, the new year and return to light. I was reminded today of something I shared in 2012, after sitting in a 13 hour ceremony with Mayan elders in Guatemala.  I was blessed to sit with them on a mountain overlooking Antigua on 12-21-12.  It was a [...]

21 12, 2015

Showing Up: A channeled writing about discipline

Channeled Writings|

This is a channeled writing that came through as I was asking Guides about the idea of discipline, especially as it relates to disciplining children.  After receiving this transmission, I find that this wisdom can relate to all forms of discipline, including self-discipline when we want to accomplish something, and [...]

8 07, 2015

Now Is The Perfect Time


Artist: Thich Nhat Hanh If you want to fly, you must jump from the mountain. If you want to swim, you must let go of the riverbank. There is a time for preparation and a time for letting go; a time for waiting and a time to go [...]

20 03, 2015

Every Day Is Magic!

Musings, Teachings|

As we are in beautiful Spring Equinox, New Moon, Solar eclipse energies, I feel grateful to be surrounded by community that honors the changing of seasons and shifting of energies, as well as the medicine of Father Sun and Mother Moon. At the same time, I also speak to people [...]

16 03, 2015

The Gift in Resistance

Musings, Teachings|

That Thing That Just Won’t Shift Ever wonder why you can’t seem to create changes even though you’ve been working on them forever? Are you frustrated that you can see the issue but can’t seem to see the answer? Or maybe you already know the answer but still can’t seem [...]

13 03, 2015

Embrace The Winter and Get Your Chill Hours


Thank goodness Spring is finally here! Yea for warm weather! No more winter! This is what I keep hearing from others in these early days of March, as we journey through the final weeks of winter and into the energies of the Spring Equinox.  It seems that we forget how [...]

10 11, 2013

You Are Loved


“I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness the astonishing light of your own being.” ~Hafiz If you are having a terrible day, If you are sad, If you are lonely, If you are hurting, If you are lost or confused, If you are exhausted, [...]

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