
October Newsletter ~ Creating Ritual

  As we enter the season of Autumn, watching the leaves and plants begin to die away, and the energy palpably shifting, it's a potent time for being intentional and mindful, and Ritual is one of the best ways to do this tangibly. For me, Winter Solstice (Dec. 21st) is [...]

Andean New Year

August 1st is the Andean New Year, celebrated in Peru. Pachamama's birthday and a day of complete reset for everyone. It's a wonderful time to take some personal meditation space and unhook, from everything, and reset your energy. In the Andean tradition, you unhook from everything and recapitulate your life, [...]

May: Spring Shamanic Retreat

We had such a great time at our recent Shamanic Mentorship Retreat in the beautiful mountains near Asheville.  The experiences we have each month online, as well as in retreat, are so far beyond "shamanism" and it's hard to put into words just what happens in this transformational work.  It's [...]

Events Events Events!

Hello dear ones! I'm really excited that events are opening up, bringing more opportunities for us to gather together in sacred circle! My August newsletter is full of upcoming offerings, including a shamanic training in Little Rock, Arkansas, and a Cacao Medicine Ceremony in Atlanta, GA. I used to travel a [...]

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