Keywords: Rainbow, Death, Transition, Femininity, Perception, Sensuality, Transformation
When You Connect with Iris it means:
Your psychic abilities are expanding at this time.
Allow all of your true colors to shine and be expressed.
You are in the process of a transition that might feel like a death, but it’s simply a bridge to new energies.
This is a time where things are shifting so make an effort to be comfortable with the mystery.
Branch out into new territories, either energetically or physically.
Express your sexuality and sensuality fully and authentically.
Setting Intentions with Iris:
Practice lucid dreaming and journal any messages you receive.
Balance your feminine and masculine qualities, as well as harmonizing your gentle and rough edges.
Make time for personal space if you are usually busy being around others.
Allow yourself to be a bridge for others who are seeking support, whether they are living or deceased.
Meditate on your personal connection with Spirit and invoke the embodiment of your gifts in the highest vibration you can express at this time.
If Iris is a Totem for you:
You are comfortable in your sexuality and in touch with your feminine power.
It’s hard for others to categorize you and you are quite magical.
Walking between worlds is easy for you, whether it’s on the Earth or in the realms.
You tend to be a bit of a show-off and others find you very attractive.
You have powerful psychic abilities and the gift of mediumship, speaking with and assisting those who have passed over.
From, “Plant Spirit Medicine” by Bloom Post. Copyrighted. Use only with permission of author.