A non-refundable deposit of $25 is required to reserve your spot. Cost of this 3 hour ceremony is $88. Your $25 deposit is part of this payment.

Come together for community healing and healing within community.

Tobacco is one of Bloom’s primary allies and this potent plant teacher can bring cleansing, clearing and grounding. This is a plant medicine ceremony focused on personal, healthy relationship with Tobacco as well as inner healing with true depth.

Working with the medicine of Singado (Singa), students raise Tobacco tea into their nostrils through shells in order to ingest the medicine and receive healing. We endeavor to create sacred reciprocity with the plants and all of Mama Pacha’s creation.

The collective culture has created a negative relationship with this powerful plant medicine, and sacred ceremony supports bringing our human tribe back into right relationship with our plant teachers. We work intentionally with Tobacco and our guides on behalf of each person in the ceremony as well as the collective, invoking healing, guidance, understanding, wisdom, clarity and much more.

Each participant works 1-on-1 with Bloom during the ceremony.

This circle is inspired by the Peruvian coastal tradition of prayerfully ingesting Tobacco tea through the sinuses, to support integration, grounding, healing, embodiment, cleansing and more. When necessary, participants receive a healing lympia, which is an energetic cleansing.

Bloom makes Singa from Mapacho from the high jungle of Peru and sacred Tobacco she has grown specifically for ceremonial purposes.

You will not smoke Tobacco in this ceremony, and you do not need to ingest to participate. Bloom can raise Singa on your behalf in order for you to receive the benefits of the medicine.

We gather at a private home in downtown SLC from Noon to 3pm. Please plan to stay for the full ceremony. Details on what to bring, as well as directions to the event, will be supplied in the automatic reply email that you receive when you register.

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Deposits are non-transferable to other events or products.