This 4-part class series will focus on 7 different Archangels. You will meet each of them individually and find your deeper connection to their gifts, as well as how they can guide you on your journey.

Each class will focus on specific angels: Michael & Raphael. Gabriel & Ariel, Sandalphon & Uriel, and Metatron

You’ll learn how to receive Angels into your home through a specific practice, how to work with them through oracle cards and other tools, as well as shamanic journeying to connect with them in the realms in the most expansive way possible. You’ll also get to invite them to be part of your energetic support team to help your loved ones, and much more.

Bloom will help you find the archangels that work with you most closely so that you can amplify that personal relationship.

“Archangels are a vibrant aspect of my spirit guides and a huge support to my personal journey as well as the work I do with others. They’re wonderful support for adults, children, and animals, and can be in service to anyone, regardless of background or belief systems. I love how they’re available to us all, throughout lifetimes, to support human kind in all that we need.

Creating a personal relationship with Archangels has greatly amplified my work over the years and brought healing and understanding I couldn’t have imagined before I met them.” ~ Bloom

Each class is 75-90 minutes: about 60 minutes of teaching and 15-30 minutes for Q&A and sharing.

All classes have been recorded and will be sent to each student registered via email.

This offering is available on a sliding scale basis so that all are able to attend. Please pay according to your abundance on an honor scale. Your payment can empower others with less abundance to join us.

I make my offerings as affordable as possible. Please do not share recordings with others who have not registered. However, I’d love for you to invite friends to join us for this fun class series.

All are welcome. No experience required. Angels are for everyone!

Pricing includes all 4 recordings to keep and watch again (not to be shared please).

No Refunds for any reason.

Any questions, email Once registered, you’ll receive an email with all 4 classes and course homework.

Sliding scale energetic exchange (on an honor system): $122 – $66