The key to what we are sharing with you is awareness. The way to awareness is through intention.
By simply stating, “I want to be aware” or “I want to be more aware,” you are setting the intention and shifting your vibration toward awareness. This is a good beginning and is a wonderful daily practice that is easy to incorporate into your life.
When you ask for support from the unseen realms, you will begin to experience helpful synchronicities and coincidences, that are not coincidental at all. This is support for you to manifest what you have set into motion through your intention to do so.
Part of this support is caused because your intention is creating a vibration. Once you begin creating that vibration, and especially when you intend it regularly, the pattern of that vibration will circle and circle, moving outward and inward. As it does this, it becomes your dominant vibration and begins to gather to itself vibrations that are similar in feel and tone. This is what you call law of attraction. It’s a very simple process really.
If you woke up each morning, set your intention and then held that intention all day, you would see it flow into manifested reality very quickly. Generally this is challenging for you, due to distractions, emotional upheaval, overthinking, not trusting yourself and getting frustrated. Many of you aren’t patient enough to hold the vibration until it manifests into physical reality, and you don’t take into account all the vibrations you’ve created up to this point that will need to shift as well.
Shift happens at the speed of thought, however, your physical reality sometimes needs time to shift into the new vibration that you are emanating. You must hold this vibration long enough to move the flow of the energetic river that you may have been creating for years and years.
It is possible to create instant shifts and manifestation, yet many of you fear this, so you are not able to do it. You seek and desire change, and yet you fear it happening without your mind being able to fully process it, so you resist, and then it does not manifest for you.
The fear of this instant manifestation comes from needing your mind to keep up with what you have not conceived of before. Your mind will always be a few steps behind miracles. This is why you want to manifest from your heart, a place that you identify with love, and simply allow. When your mind is present yet unengaged in the process, that is when miracles can happen and instant manifestation can occur.