sweet-pea-pink-dianaKeywords: Delicate, Blissful pleasure, Butterfly, Departure, Poetry, Victorian, Grand event, Modesty, Romantic, Genetics

When You Connect with Sweet Pea it means:

It’s time to throw an extravagant gathering or party.

Find gratitude for any current situation that it is time to leave, and then lovingly say goodbye.

Rise early to greet the morning and make the most of the coolest hours of the day.

Connect with your lineage, especially grandmothers, even if they have passed on.

Smell and fragrance are immediate indicators of how something feels to you, so pay attention if something “smells wrong”.

Setting Intentions with Sweet Pea:

Create art of any kind, and especially poetry, to express your romantic nature. Read poetry by John Keats.

Work with Butterfly medicine to find the sweetness in life, as well as the ability to transform.

Focus on your marriage, or romantic relationship, to amp up the romance.

Give this flower as a thank you gift for enjoying a wonderful event.

If you are ready to extend your energies, find other people and experiences that can steady and support you so that you can thrive.

If Sweet Pea is a Totem for you:

You have a Victorian quality and the energy of that bygone era.

Well-liked by others, you are always welcome at any party or gathering.

You are a total romantic.

If you choose to climb, in any situation, you are a go-getter and can reach great heights.

You carry deep medicine of your lineage and resonate with your grandparents and elders of your family.

~~ From “Plant Spirit Totems”, by Bloom Post.  Copyrighted.  Use only with permission of author.

To be published, Winter 2016.