When researching about shamans and shamanism, I was a bit overwhelmed at the copious amounts of information available online.  There are so many different ideas and opinions, from the historical (usually Western) accounts of what a shaman is, to the more new age version of shamans and their abilities.

As I was reading over numerous articles and pieces of information, I got the idea to pose the question to my online community.  I decided to reach out to the people in my community, my virtual community, and ask what they feel a shaman is.

This is how I posed the question:

“I’m working on a writing project and I’m wondering: What is your personal definition of a Shaman? I may use some of your answers in my upcoming project if you’re open to it. I will use all comments anonymously. Thanks! I’m curious what people think.”

It did not take long for people to respond and share their definition, their idea of what a shaman is:

“One who bridges the gap between the seen and the unseen, the material and the spiritual, the mystic and the mundane, through the use of trances, visions, dreams, and ecstatic states.”

“Intuitive-empathic psychotherapists.”

“Shaman, a healer of the sick, injured and lost , etc. They help open the doorways into the realms to allow us to connect with our guides. They not only touch the physical body but go deeper within on astral, energetic levels clearing out and opening up a person to their highest and greatest potential. I’ve heard a few people state they bridge a way to for us to achieve religious ecstasy.”

“Non-traditional healer, holy person, spiritual guide.”

“Shaman: An intuitive representative of the earth. A sacred vessel of divine revelation, charged with the responsibility to inspire balance and esteem.”

“For me, a shaman is someone who can bring healing psychically and energetically.”

“A Shaman is someone who can teach me and share the things that organized religion didn’t… including/especially spirituality and healing.”

“For me, it’s simply someone who inspires others.

“A shaman is one who helps to bridge the gaps between worlds.”

“Anyone who works with spirits.”

“Liaison between dimensions.”

“Shaman: Death coach. Harmonizer of the inside and outside worlds, preparer for the experience to break past dualism.”

“An energy worker in conscious service to their community.”


This is only a partial list of all the answers I received, and as you can see from the  many varied comments, the idea of a shaman, in Western culture and my virtual tribe, is wide open to personal interpretation.  The idea of a shaman may have many different definitions to each person who responded; however, the most common energy I felt in each of these answers was a person who can do magical things, who is capable of magic.

After reading what each person shared, I started a new search, with a very simple, basic query: definition of shaman. The top four links with answers were as follows:


Shamanism (pron.: /ˈʃɑːmən/ SHAH-mən or/ˈʃeɪmən/ SHAY-mən)

a practice that involves a practitioner reaching altered states of consciousness in order to encounter and interact with the spirit world. A shaman is a person regarded as having access to, and influence in, the world of benevolent and malevolent spirits, who typically enters into a trance state during a ritual, and practices divination and healing.




sha·man (n.)

a member of certain tribal societies who acts as a medium between the visible world and an invisible spirit world and who practices magic or sorcery for purposes of healing, divination, and control over natural events



sha·man (n.)

(especially among certain tribal peoples) a person who acts as intermediary between the natural and supernatural worlds, using magic to cure illness, foretell the future, control spiritual forces, etc.




sha·man (n.)\ˈshä-mən, ˈshā- also shə-ˈmän\

plural shamans

a priest or priestess who uses magic for the purpose of curing the sick, divining the hidden, and controlling events




The one word that was consistently used in the top three definitions of the word shaman is “magic”. . .  which led me to type in a search for: What is Magic? This is what I found:



mag-ic (n.)/ˈmajik/

The power of apparently influencing the course of events by using mysterious or supernatural forces.

Let me tell you what “mysterious or supernatural forces” are:
Anything that can not be scientifically proven, or easily understood and explained by the status quo, by the cultural norm, is a “mysterious and supernatural force”.

Prayer is a mysterious and supernatural force, as is energy healing, as is any ritual or sacred spiritual event that empowers the shifting of energy.  Even mother nature is a mysterious and supernatural force.

When someone, or a group, creates a shift through prayer or group intention, it is magic, by this definition.  When a healer empowers another being to heal, this is also magic.

When you shift your own energy from negative and toxic to positive and healthy, this can be called magic, because how can anyone scientifically prove or explain the mysterious energetic forces within you that created that shift?


You are magic.

You are made of the same molecules and energy that make up the stars and oceans and the entire universe as we know it.
There is nothing to prove.

It simply is.
You simply are.
You are magic.

You are capable of magic, and since you are capable of magic, you are able to shift energy (also known as control natural events). You are able to heal and you are able to connect with Spirit (however you perceive that) and the realms of the unseen.

As a magical being, you are able to create healing within yourself,
which brings healing to all others, because we are all connected.
As a magical being, you are able to connect with energies that may only be accessible to some in an altered state.
As a magical being, you are able to do these things and more, when you believe you can.

And when you believe you can,
Then you are a shaman.


To empower your continued walk into embodying yourself as a shaman, it is vital to practice.


Shaman’s ToolboxPractical Tools for Powerful Transformation

This helpful book, available in paperback or as an eBook, shares tangible, easy-to-follow practices empowering you to connect with your personal Spirit Guides, animal totems, plant allies, ancestors and more.

You will also learn about energetic protection, past-life work, and connecting with nature in an intentional and relational way.

You will learn how to create a Shamanic Journey for yourself, allowing you to travel between realms to receive guidance and healing.

It also shares stories from my personal journey, reflecting on the auspicious moments and magical experiences that have brought me to where I am today, empowering me to live into my potential as a Shamanic Healer.

You are a Shaman

Are you ready for this spiritual adventure?